The Admitted Patient Data Collection (formerly Inpatient Statistics Collection) is administered by the NSW Ministry of Health. This collection records all admitted patient services provided by New South Wales Public Hospitals, Public Psychiatric Hospitals, Public Multi-Purpose Services, Private Hospitals, and Private Day Procedures Centres.
Approximately 400 facilities contribute to the data collection, which includes patient demographic information, diagnoses, procedures, and administrative information such as dates of admission and separation, source of referral to the service, service referred to on separation, and patient health insurance status. Public hospital APDC data are recorded in terms of episodes of care (EOC). For private hospitals, each APDC record represents a complete hospital stay. APDC records are counted based on the date of separation (discharge) from hospital and do not include patients who have been admitted but not discharged from hospital.
APDC data is only available from July 2001 onwards. Records from Northern Beaches Hospital (Opened in October 2018) is not yet available for linkage. Patient names are not generally available for admissions to private hospitals prior to 1 July 2014. While the CHeReL is able to link these records based on other demographic details, the linkage is likely to be less accurate. Caution must therefore be exercised in interpreting results where private hospital data are involved.
Administrative. The Admitted Patient Data Collection is an admitted patient morbidity data collection designed to provide NSW Health with the information resources necessary to effectively organise, evaluate and plan health services in New South Wales. It also allows NSW Health to meet national obligations through submissions to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA), the National Health Performance Authority and the National Health Funding Body.
NSW state data
Legal Authority 
Reporting to this data collection is a requirement under the Health Service Act 1997 for public hospitals, and the Private Health Facilities Act 2007 and Health Insurance Act 1973 for private hospitals.
Access Rights 
Language | english |
Format | sas |
Coding | ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS |