The Mental Health Ambulatory Data Collection (MH-AMB) is held within the State Health Information Exchange.
The MH-AMB may include mental health day programs, psychiatric outpatients and outreach services. Also included is care provided by hospital based consultation-liaison services to admitted patients in non-psychiatric and hospital emergency settings; same-day admitted non-procedural care; care provided by community workers to admitted patients and clients in staffed community residential settings and mental health promotion and prevention services.
As Indigenous Status, Legal Status and Diagnosis are items of particular interest for a number of mental health related studies, analysis of the quality of this data within the MH-AMB data collection has been undertaken. These data elements have a high level of completeness, however, because they allow the insertion of free text, rather than using predefined drop down options, they are prone to contain incorrect values.
Administrative. The MH-AMB is dedicated to the assessment, treatment, rehabilitation or care of non-admitted patients.
NSW state data
Legal Authority 
Health Records Information and Privacy Act 2002
Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998
Health Administration Act 1982
Public Health Act 2010
Access Rights 
Language | english |
Format | sas |
Coding | Nil. |