SA Health Mental Health provides a range of public mental health services for children and adolescents, adults and older people. Services are provided through community health centres and hospitals, and to consumers in their own homes. Services are also provided through a network of non-government organisations with assistance from the South Australian government. There are separate data collections for metropolitan and country regions.
The SA Mental Health data collection is from the public health system only.
Data available for Metropolitan region 1 January 2005-31 December 2021; Country region 1 July 2006 - 31 December 2021. No data dictionary. Variables need to be requested from data custodian.
The dataset is used for reporting to identify trends and produce key statistics relating to mental health services provided to South Australians.
South Australian state data
Memorandum of Agreement between University of South Australia and South Australian Department of Health and Ageing.
Language | english |
Format | csv |
Coding | Nil |