Specialist mental health services in Victoria are divided into two service delivery types: clinical and non-clinical. Clinical services focus on assessment and treatment of people with a mental condition. These services are called area mental health services and are managed by general health facilities, such as hospitals. There are reporting requirements for Victorian Government public mental health services using the CMI/ODS system. CMI/ODS comprises two systems. The Client Management Interface (CMI) is the local client information system used by each public mental health service. The Operational Data Store (ODS) manages a set of selected data items from each CMI.
When a public mental health service accepts a person’s referral for service delivery or intervention, the person becomes a client of the service and should be registered in the Client Management Interface/Operational Data Store (CMI/ODS) system.
Available data includes demographic, clinical status including diagnosis, and service history for each person registered on the CMI/ODS system as receiving public clinical mental health services. Registered and non-registered Mental Health clients are included in this data.
Victoria wide. All notifiable conditions reported to Victoria Department of Health.
Up to 6 week lag
The primary purpose of the CMI/ODS is to:
• support the identification of registered clients through the allocation of a unique state-wide identifier for new clients
• store and provide access to a subset of data from local CMI’s that is accessible state-wide
• provide state-wide search functionality to support continuity of treatment and care
• ensure that the legal basis for providing treatment on a compulsory basis is evident to all services
• meet the department’s various reporting requirements
• support the statutory functions of the Chief Psychiatrist and the Mental Health Tribunal as described in the Mental Health Act 2014.
The CMI/ODS collection is a critical source of business intelligence for the Mental Health sector. CMI/ODS is not a medical records management system. It complements the local medical record system of public mental health services and provides a way to share statutory data with the department and other services.
Victorian state data
Legal Authority 
Mental Health Act 2014
Access Rights 
Language | english |
Format | csv |
Coding | ICD-10 |