The Mental Health Information Data Collection (MIND) collects data about people who use public mental health services in Western Australia. Data collected in MIND is sourced from administrative and clinical management of mental health patients, as recorded in PSOLIS. MIND captures patient demographic and clinical information of public mental health patients as recorded in PSOLIS by public mental health services in WA, including some of the Contracted Health Entities (St John of God Midland Public Hospital and Joondalup Health Campus).
The MIND collects data on public community mental health episodes (non-admitted/ambulatory/outpatient mental health episodes (activations/deactivations)) and public community (non-admitted/ambulatory/outpatient) mental health service contacts, psychiatric hospital/designated health ward inpatient admissions and Mental Health 2014 Legal Orders (as implemented in PSOLIS 1 July 2016).
Data completeness and quality can be suspect in the earlier part of the collection (1966 to 2014). 1966 – 2014: old format, person based; 2014 – current: new format, event based. For some variables in this segment (e.g. marital status, postcode) the proportion of records with missing data can be quite high, particularly the further back one goes. Generally, data completeness and quality has improved with time.
The change in focus of the data collection, from person-based to event-based, also means that some variables captured in the early years of the collection are not captured in the later years, and vice versa.
This dataset is linked routinely. The time lag for finalised linked data available for researchers is approximately 2 months.
The primary purpose of the MIND is to collect demographic and clinical information on patients who have community mental health episodes or service contacts (including Triage/Assessment only) with public community mental health services
• admitted episodes with specialised mental health inpatient services (public psychiatric hospitals or designated psychiatric wards within public hospitals); and
• NOCC data for patients who have community, admitted or residential episodes in public specialised mental health services
Western Australia state data
Legal Authority 
Health Services Act 2014
Mental Health Act 2014
Access Rights 
Language | english |
Format | csv xls txt |
Coding | ICD 8; ICD-9; ICD-10 |